Are you trapped and held captive inside of a Political Prism? If you think you are made "free" by a Government and it's politics then you are obviously locked inside of a Prism. With this first of many articles I intend on writing within this blog I will seek to help you escape the Prism of Politics. Your cell, many cells, are your brain cells. You must seek to free your brain, your mind, and begin on a path of escape from the matrix. The mental matrix of politics is an endless mind-maze with no real objective path. We grow up being conditioned, mostly by others that have been conditioned before us, that the Government, the State, is our authority. As we grow up those that are employed within that Government also work to mentally condition us as to accept the State's claim to authority. As we become adults we accept the State's rule over our lives no matter how willingly or begrudging we feel about it. As we go into middle-age, and later on to become elderly, we live our lives in submission to the whims of the Government. Politics is the process and method of decision-making for groups of human beings. Although it is generally applied to governments, politics is also observed in all human group interactions including corporate, academic, and religious. This article is concerned with the politics of Government. You will notice I capitalize the "G" in the word "Government", there is a reason for that. When one speaks of "government" in the general since of the term they are speaking of how a group of people are governed. A government is any body politic or governing body. The term "church" found in the New Testament is in place of the original Greek term ekklesia and simply means "assembly" or "called out to assembly". Many historical societies had assemblies, such as the Nordic Vikings who had what was termed an Althing. The Celtics peoples and others had similar counsels or assemblies. The early Colonial Era Western European Settlers of America also had such community assemblies. A more well known set of assemblies were the ones that took place under a large elm tree, the original "Liberty Tree", in the Colony of Boston. From these meetings came the term "Liberty Tree". The term denotes not a specific tree but the assembling of common folk to figure out solutions to problems facing the community. In the Old Testament of the Bible there are examples of assemblies of elders and the people as well. There is nothing wrong with the principle of government or governments or the governing they do. Social communication, order and justice are all regulated, or governed by such assemblies, or governments, of the people.
A prism is a solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another, and each of whose sides is a parallelogram; a transparent body of this form, often of glass and usually with triangular ends, used for separating white light passed through it into a spectrum or for reflecting beams of light.
When one begins to see Politics as a PRISM he/she has a clear picture what Politics really are. First, all sides are of the "same size and shape and are parallel to one another". That means political pundits, parties and politicians are of the same "size" in relationship to all the political game pieces. In other words they only exist and have validity on the board because they are allowed to exist. If a person, or group has governing ideas outside the rules of the game they do not count as legitimate game pieces. They are not considered on the scale or "size" with the recognized pieces on the boardgame of politics.
Second is "shape". Only those individuals and groups that form their "shapes" into the required rule-book regulations of the game of politics are accepted on the board and in the political game.
Thirdly all game pieces have to be "parallel" to one another. In other term they have to be willing to play by the rules. It matters not that the sides are on the opposite side of the Prism from one another. What matters is that all sides connect and have somethings in common, as in a triangle.
What a prism does is refract light and in doing so breaks the light into easily seen spectral colors of a rainbow variety. A Prism of Politics breaks issues up and spreads them apart. In doing so a Political Prism breaks the very minds of the people up and keeps them separated. Separated even within their own local communities. Instead the people get reorganized into nice little separated bands of color. We all have our favorite colors right? Our own pet political issues and favorite politicians to go along with those colors.
Then there is the fact that the prism is clear. You can see through it, if you choose to.
With formal and corporate States, or Governments, comes the dividing of the people. An obvious example of that dividing is clearly demonstrated with the system of Party Politics. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party, Constitution Party or whatever. In countries with Parliaments there is not the separation of political powers America claims to have, but you do still have the segmentation of powers of the people just the same. Politics is about law making, pure and simple. As long as the people are constantly kept at odds with each other as being on opposing sides of a Political Prism law making is actually easier to do. All the facades of debate and political discussion that goes on in the halls of Government buildings among politicians are for a pretty light show as from a real prism.
Light wavelengths are, in their unity, seen by our eyes as simply white light. A prism affects the speed light travels and thus affects the wavelengths, or frequencies, of the light beam that encounters it in it's path. This frequency change causes the light to be seen in differing wavelengths which are manifested by the different colors of light coming out it. When we, the people, allow a select few to incorporate themselves and and have all power to make laws that Govern us we surrender our personal sovereignty. They are given authority over the very people that give them that authority. In giving Authority to another over themselves the people also have to give them Power to enforce that Authority. Authority is not the same as Power, nor is Power the same as Authority. You can give someone Authority to do something but not the Power to protect, or enforce, what they do. In other words according to Common Law Principles they have the Legal Right to do something that you had the Legal Authority over yourself. Yet in that doing they do not have automatic Power to enforce or protect what they do. Power is brute force, Authority is Legal Right. Another person can use Power to do something, but not have the Authority to be doing it. An individual or entity with Power uses brute force to impose their will, they may claim Authority but they lack it, Legally speaking.
A good example of the concept of which I speak is contained in the pages of the Bible. The People of Israel wanted a king to be appointed over them. The Israelites had lived for a few hundred years in system that had local governance. In that system of government (notice the small "g" here) the People had assemblies of elders and leaders, but no rulers. Also in that system of social governance there was the unifying factors of race and of culture.
When the Israelites decided to have a monarchy and king they willing submitted their individual Rights away to that monarchy and king. Even their God gave warning that that was the nature of such formalized Government through their prophet Samuel. Yet they still insisted on having a State instead of self-rule.
Choosing to have a formal governing body by letting a corporation called a "State" rule over you is like telling a neighbor they have Authority to tell you how to live your life. It is the taking of your responsibility to rule over and run your own life and freely giving it over to another person, or group of persons. That is what a prison is. In prison a person is told what to do, how to do it and when to do it. In turn the person receives "benefits" like protection from the weather and elements, food and clothing and other necessities of life.
Politics is a "Prison of the Mind" and it's resulting State is a "Prison of the Body". The false-front put up to us all is that the Politicians are only making laws for our "benefit". Different sides of the Political Prism may fuss and fight over what wording a law has, but in reality law gets made to regulate everything. Some people think that there needs to be "Limited Government". There is no such animal. It is impossible to limit the growth of a Governmental corporation called a "State". There are people who say they want the State and "support their Government" but that want that State to go by some rules and stay within boundaries. In America some people rant and rave about "Constitutional restrictions upon the Government". Those alluded to marks of ink on paper have never stopped the growth of what it initially created.
The Prism of Politics distorts the brutal reality that documents of ink and parchment can only set in motion the State, they can never regulate it.
In America there is no true freedom and no true property ownership. Americans live in a prison, quite literally. At anytime the "guards" can come into your cell and beat you or take what little you do own and there is nothing you can do about it. This physical reality of a virtual prison is due to the Prism of the Mind. That Prism is of a Political nature.
Until people begin to set themselves free of the Political Prism and stop thinking they need a State to rule over them they will never be free.
And until people realize they are seeing truth through a Prism they will never "see the light" as it really is. The truth is other people have "Authority" over us because we surrender it to them. We are dazzled by the pretty colors instead of seeing the white light of truth. That truth is true self-governance of a people or community is the absolute responsibility of each individual and too precious to give away to a select few.
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